2024 Officers
Executive Board & Cardinal Cabinet

President - Madi Marketos

Hi there! My name is Madi Marketos, and I have the privilege of serving as President for the 2024 term. I am a junior studying Sociology and Rhetoric in the Liberal Arts Honors department. As President my role includes managing the executive board and operations. I maintain strong relationships and work with our national board through monthly conversations. However, my favorite part of the job is working closely with friends and getting to know all of our members. I love working behind the scenes, watching my friends lead, and tackling every challenge. I am so honored to serve in this role. I hope to continue to foster a community of friendship and growth throughout the Iota chapter.
Vice President - Michele Kalleb

Hello! My name is Michele Kalleb, and I am a junior majoring in Corporate Communications with a double minor in Business and Sports Media. I am currently Texas Chi Omega’s Vice President, where I have the privilege of serving as our chapter’s academic and scholastic chair, as well as facilitating the affiliation process of transfer members. I have made it a priority to be an academic resource for our members and, in turn, encourage and celebrate our chapter’s diverse academic accomplishments. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to serve the members of our chapter alongside the outstanding women of our Executive Board.
Secretary - Lauren Spurr

Hi! My name is Lauren Spurr and I am the Secretary this year! I am a junior majoring in Youth and Community Studies with minors in Educational Psychology and Chemistry. As Secretary, my role is to facilitate smooth communication within our chapter. This looks like tracking attendance, recording meeting minutes, managing official correspondence and maintaining an organized archive. I am so excited to step into this role and to be a part of the cohesion and preservation of history for our sisterhood!
Treasurer - Lucy Caudill

Hi there! My name is Lucy Caudill and I am serving as Treasurer this year. I am currently a junior studying Finance and Accounting. As Treasurer, I oversee our finances and budget and communicate with all members of our executive board and cardinal cabinet to help facilitate the use of our chapter’s dues. I act as a liaison between the various positions and the chapter, ensuring we are making appropriate allocations from each individual’s contributions to create memories and programming for the chapter. I am so grateful to be serving alongside the executive team this year and to be a part of creating memories for the amazing women in Iota!
New Member Educator - Bella Rodriguez

Hi! My name is Bella Rodriguez, and I am one of our New Member Educators this year! I am a junior majoring in Special Education. As a new member educator, I look forward to the fall because our new member experience will kick off on Bid Day! I feel very excited and thankful to serve in this role and love our new members as we strive to provide each new member with the best experience!
New Member Educator - Molly Garvin

Hi! My name is Molly Garvin, and I am honored to serve as New Member Educator this year with Bella! I am a sophomore majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Business. Our role includes facilitating a smooth transition into Chi O for our new members and providing them with the best new member experience possible. I am most excited about having the opportunity to foster strong and impactful relationships throughout our chapter and with our new members!
Recruitment Captain - Lea Whitley

Hi! My name is Lea Whitley and I am the Recruitment Chair this year. I am a Sophomore Finance major with a Wealth Management minor. I am responsible for planning formal recruitment, work week, and our Spring outreach. I also oversee our amazing Recruitment Team and Baby Rush Team! This role is so fulfilling and I cannot wait to recruit an amazing PC that shares our values. PC ‘24 will be so loved!
Panhellenic Delegate - Drew Dobie

Hi! My name is Drew Dobie and I am the Panhellenic Delegate for Chi Omega. I am a sophomore Art History major minoring in Business with a certificate in Museum Studies. My role includes attending weekly University Panhellenic meetings alongside the other 12 sorority delegates! I am one of the main forms of communication between our University Executive Board and Chi Omega. Serving our chapter is such a joy, as Iota is so dedicated to service and sisterhood. I can’t wait for what else this year has in store!
Personnel - Sophia Steinauer

Hello! I am Sophia Steinauer, and I am honored to serve as the Personnel Chair for Chi Omega this year. I'm a sophomore majoring in Corporate Communication with a minor in Professional Sales and Business Development. My role involves fostering a supportive atmosphere within our chapter, collaborating with fellow executive board members to address personnel-related issues, and ensuring every member feels valued. I'm excited to introduce additional support initiatives for our chapter members and am dedicated to helping each member thrive both in Chi Omega and beyond. I look forward to continuing to work alongside my fellow officers and chapter members to make this year memorable and impactful for all involved!
Director of Programming - Sophie McNeill

Hello! My name is Sophie McNeill, and I have the honor of acting as the Director of Programming this year! I am a Junior majoring in Advertising and minoring in Business. My role is overseeing and working directly with the seven Cardinal Cabinet officers (Sisterhood, Philanthropy, Social, Marketing, Campus Activities, Career, and Personal Development) on their events and projects while acting as the liaison between them and the Executive Board. It is so rewarding to watch their goals and plans come to life and to help facilitate engaging and exciting programming for the chapter. I am so excited for the year to come!
Facilities Manager - Anna Victoria Lavelle

Hi! My name is Anna Victoria Lavelle, and I am serving as our Facilities Manager this year. I am a junior studying computational engineering. As our Facilities Manager, I get to work with our House Director, our House Corporation, and the rest of our staff to make our chapter house a home! Living in the house will definitely be one of my favorite college memories, and I love getting to help facilitate all of the fun programming that we have at the house!
Social Director - Ami Patolia

Hi! My name is Ami Patolia and I am the Social Chair this year! I am a junior majoring in Finance. As our social chair, I plan all of the date events for the chapter and facilitate opportunities for everyone to spend time together and strengthen our friendships. I am so excited to continue to plan events for our amazing chapter!
Career and Personal Development Director - Claire Snodgrass

Hi! My name is Claire Snodgrass and I am honored to be the Career and Personal Development Chair for this year! I am a sophomore International Business major with an Accounting minor. As Career and Personal Development Chair, my role includes planning the Eleusinia celebration, hosting career development workshops, providing educational and professional resources, and strengthening alumni networking in the community. I am so excited for this year and the opportunity to encourage each girl in their pursuit of their educational and professional endeavors!
Philanthropy Chair - Lili Tomko

Hi! My name is Liliana (Lili) Tomko, and I am the Philanthropy Chair this year! I am a sophomore majoring in International Relations and Global Studies, with an Economics Minor and Spanish Business Certificate. As Philanthropy Chair, I am responsible for planning and executing our fundraising campaign for Make-A-Wish, our cause, and encouraging members to participate! Our chapter aims to raise money and bring awareness through profit shares, bake sales and events open to the Austin community. This year, I am excited to organize Wish Week, a week-long fundraising campaign in the spring semester, along with several profit shares, Wish Send-Off parties for local Make-A-Wish kids, and our larger fall philanthropic event!
Marketing Director - Audrey Kirwin

Hello, my name is Audrey Kirwin! As marketing director for Chi Omega, I oversee the website, social media, and photo/video content. I’m so excited for this year and feel lucky to be able to highlight this amazing chapter!
Marketing Director - Lilah Bowers

Hi! My name is Lilah Bowers and I am the co-Marketing/Design chair this year! I am a sophomore majoring in Design. My role as Design Chair means I am in charge of all things design, including banners and merch for the chapter. I am so excited to have the opportunity to work with exec, CC and our Marketing committee to create all things Texas Chi O.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair - Teresa Nieto

Hi there! I'm Teresa Nieto, a sophomore majoring in Plan II and Human Development on the pre-med track and the DEI chair! My role is to have engaging events for Iota to participate in, keep the chapter informed on current events during weekly chapter meetings, and continue to make Chi O's rush inclusive. It has been so rewarding to be on exec for this amazing chapter already and am very excited for the next year!
Sisterhood Chair - Mardi McCollum

Hi! My name is Mardi, and I am the Sisterhood Director this Year! I am a Junior majoring in Advertising and minoring in Business. As Sisterhood Director, my role includes planning numerous events and activities that focus on bringing our chapter closer together. Chi Omega’s sisterhood is something we are so proud of and that I am so passionate about. I am so excited to help foster the friendships and community that make Chi Omega so special throughout this year!
Campus Activities Director - Claire Traywick

Hi! My name is Claire Traywick and I am the Campus Activities Chair this year! I am a sophomore majoring in Early Childhood Education. My role as Campus Activities Chair is to plan bi-annual Family Weekends, advocate for and connect members to opportunities to get involved on-campus, and coordinate all things Intramurals Sports, Pickleball, and Run/Walk Clubs! I am so excited to help foster member relationships across PC’s through involvement in sports and campus activities, as well as create a warm environment for member families as they visit Austin!